#Word mojo for mac movie
Because we are - all of us, though some more than others - evolutionarily “designed” to pack on weight when we can, because famine was always potentially around the corner, and the best way to do that was to have a taste for fattening sugar and carbs because they were rare until very recently.Īnd this movie is about that, but also about so much more. So when I heard the title of this film - The Body Fights Back - I assumed this would be about how diets fail not because we fatties lack willpower but because of biology.
Look: As a person who has struggled with her weight for her entire life - I first had a doctor put me on a diet when I was still in elementary school, and I will never forget the sadness of “bread” that tasted like cardboard sliced no larger than a playing card - I am an expert in dieting, weight loss, weight gain, fat shaming, ruined metabolisms, and other horrors of our society that deifies thinness, no matter how unhealthily it may be achieved, how unattainable it may be for many of us, and how beyond our purview a lack of thinness may be. They want to challenge preconceived notions about and neurotic relationships to food, weight, and body image, on both individual and cultural levels. Võsumets - and Mojo - are engaging in a deliberate provocation with not only this depiction in the film but in the choice of this as one of the approved stills to promote it. Mojo is one of the people Estonian journalist Marian Võsumets, with her first film, introduces us to with her brilliant and very necessary documentary The Body Fights Back. The woman pictured is Instagram influencer Mojo, and she knows what you might be thinking, and she doesn’t give a shit… though she has struggled to come to ease with herself in this regard, as we learn here.
When you look at the photo at the top of this review - of a fat woman enjoying a cupcake - what do you think? How does it make you feel? Does it bother you or annoy you or, perhaps, disgust you?